Posttraumatic stress disorder
Kearns, N.T., Carl, E., Stein, A.T., Vujanovic, A.A., Zvolensky, M.J., Smits, J.A.J., & Powers, M.B. (2018). Posttraumatic stress disorder and cigarette smoking: An updated systematic review. Depression and Anxiety, 35, 1056–1072.
Powers, M. B., Pogue, J. R., Curcio, N., Patel, S., Wierzchowski, A., Thomas, E., Warren, A. M., Adams, M., Turner, E., Carl, E., Froehlich-Grobe, K., Foreman, M., Leonard, K., Douglas, M., Bennett, M., & Driver, S. (2021). Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD in spinal cord injury survivors: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.
Anxiety disorders & stress
Carl, E., Stein, A.T., Levihn-Coon, A., Pogue, J., Rothbaum, B., Emmelkamp, P., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Powers, M.B. (2019). Virtual reality exposure therapy for anxiety and related disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 61, 27-36.
Carl, E., Witcraft, S., Kauffman, B., Gillespie, E.M., Becker, E., Cuijpers, P., Van Ameringen, M., Smits, J.A.J., & Powers, M.B. (2020). Psychological and pharmacological treatments for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 49(1), 1-21.
Hsu, K. J., Carl, E., DiVita, A., Feldman, T., Foulser, A.A., Freihart, B., Madole, J., McNamara, M.E., Rubin, M., Stein, A., Tretyak, V., Smits, J.A.J. (2021). Rising to the occasion of this COVID-19-impacted nation: The development, feasibility, and acceptability of the Brief Assessment-informed Skills Intervention for COVID-19 (BASIC). Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, 28(4), 468-480.
Powers, M.B., Leonard, K., Turner, E., Pogue, J., Adams, M., Crozier, M., Carl, E., & Gillihan, S. (in press). Issues in differential diagnosis: Phobias and phobic conditions. In D. McKay & E. Storch (Eds.), Handbook of Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders. Springer.
Minns, S., Levihn-Coon, A., Carl, E., Smits, J.A.J., Miller, W., Howard, D., Papini, S., Quiroz, S., Lee-Furman, E., Telch, M., Carlbring, P., & Powers, M.B. (2018). Immersive 3D exposure-based treatment for spider fear: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 1-7.
Stein, A., Carl, E., Cuijpers, P., Karyotaki, E., & Smits, J.A.J. (2019). Looking beyond depression: A meta-analysis of the effect of behavioral activation on depression, anxiety, and activation. Psychological Medicine, 51(9), 1491-1504.
Pain management
Powers, M.B., Carl, E., Pogue, J., Fresnedo, M., Turner, E. Adams, M., Leonard, K., Levihn-Coon, A., Van Veldhuizen, M., Caven, A., Conroy, H., Lantrip, C., Caven, T., Isbell, C., Regner, J., Garmon, E. Foreman, M., Miller, W., Fares, L.A., Carlbring, P., Otto, M., Weiss, D.N., Hughes, J., Bernhardt, J., Oh, J., MacClements, J., Warren, A.M., Rosenfield, B., Rosenfield, D., & Smits, J.A.J. (2021). Non-pharmacologic pain management among hospitalized inpatients: A randomized waitlist-controlled trial of standard virtual reality (CGI VR) versus video capture VR (360° 3D/stereoscopic video capture VR). The Clinical Journal of Pain, 37 (9), 678-687.
Exercise for mental health
Carl, E., Mason, J., Smits, J.A.J., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (in press). Exercise for mental health: Current perspectives, clinical practice, implications, and future directions. In Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
Jacquart, J., Dutcher, C., Freeman, S.Z., Stein, A.T., Dihn, M., Carl, E., & Smits, J.A.J. (2019). The effects of exercise on transdiagnostic treatment targets: A meta-analytic review. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 115, 19-37.